Creativity is the currency of the future.
Posts tagged centering
Creative Rebellion Essays: When things are going south

After a long day of Zoom and work, I spend my evenings painting large canvases as a practice that centers me while also being able to throw me completely into moments of uncertainty and anxiety. There’s no “command-Z” for analog work –– if you screw up, you either have to incorporate it into the work or you start over.

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Creative Rebellion Essays: Take a breath

Let me tell you a secret: I’m terrible at taking my own advice. I’m usually in motion and rarely slow down. As time goes by, I feel an urgency to get things done. This has especially been aggravated by the times we are in. The way I’ve reacted to the on-going pandemic (and this week’s news that there’s already a second spike), the protests, the political divide in our country, and the early rise of fires in California, is to instinctively work harder on everything from my day job to my personal projects. Everything feels like a giant memento mori, reminding me that everything can, and often does, change in a moment.

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Creative Rebellion Essays: Centeredness and Flow

I spent the weekend recording my narration for the audiobook version of The Art of Creative Rebellion. Well, I spent around 10 hours in total getting the first two-thirds of the book recorded. It was a humbling process. We clearly underestimated the amount of time it would take. I’ve never liked hearing my recorded voice (I’m pretty sure this is a common issue) but I felt that it would be odd and inauthentic to have a professional voice actor read the book, as the stories were my personal stories; anecdotes of failure, heartbreak, and dogged perseverance.

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